Lotus x MotorSkins

Interior + CMF Design - Concept car

Lotus Design Team

Research | Design Direction | Concept Development | Sketching | Strategy | Collaboration


In 2023 I had the privilege to work alongside our collaborative partners - MotorSkins, to design and develop the LOTUSWEAR™ seat and steering wheel pads that aid the driver and passengers with intuitive meta-haptic feedback. After taking a more directive role at Lotus this was a fantastic opportunity to revive my technical and creative skills in a truly innovative application of the technology.

I created multiple concepts and the ‘basic linear’ theme was selected.
The design was incredibly simple, it had a relatable functional language and would be easy to understand for the user. It was honest and purposeful - the inflated geometries would articulate with the shape and profile of the body, creating a highly visual and impactful functional feature.

The project culminated as a key interior feature of the Lotus Theory 1 Concept Car revealed globally in September 2024.

Design and Technical Development

Prototyping and Concept Car

The concept car’s most ground-breaking feature is LOTUSWEAR™, a proprietary immersive driving system developed in collaboration with Motorskins. LOTUSWEAR™ is more than just technology—it is a tactile driving experience. The lightweight robotic textile material uses inflatable pods on the seats and steering wheel to communicate with the driver through added grip, support, and even subtle prompts for navigation. This system turns the car into a second skin, blurring the boundaries between driver and machine.
— DesignBoom

Lotus Theory 1 - UXUI


Sky Sports F1 Skypad